
I am continually impressed by the thoughtful way people create and use our custom Blessing Bands. Lately, we are receiving lots of orders for custom Blessing Bands for Mother’s Day. Most bands include a special word on the front, like family, love, gratitude, blessings…but it’s the interior passages that blow me away.


Many ask to list all of the children’s names or grandchildren’s names (our record is 15 grandchildren on one bracelet). Others just write a personal note or an inspirational quote about motherhood.


Whatever the message, I tear up at every single one…thinking about how special those mothers must be and hoping they will treasure their kids and grandkids just a little more by being reminded of them throughout their days.


If YOU would like to create a custom Blessing Band for a special mother in your life, just click here and follow the instructions for custom orders. Place your order by May 1st to ensure delivery by Mother’s Day. We’re also offering free shipping through May 1st to make it a little easier to treat your mom to something special. Just use

the code MOM2014 at checkout.

Now I’m going to call my amazing mom. She deserves her own blog post sometime soon!



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