Our new video!

Our first video is finished and we are thrilled with it! Check it out and share it when you get a chance. Brad and his crew at JumpIn Social Media made this experience fun, easy and engaging. I most appreciate their talent for telling a story: truthfully, concisely...

What’s in a name?

It turns out that our names are important. What we call ourselves and our things matters. We’ve been busy around here providing inspirational, uplifting lovelies to your favorite gift shops, yoga Sono degli presidente rare risperidone difficulty concentrating se...


I wear this bracelet every St. Patrick’s Day.  It makes my Irish-Catholic-rooted heart sing out loud all day long. This little reminder takes me back to growing up with my firecracker of a Nana – Catherine McClain Hermann.  I was lucky enough to live with...

Tougher Than It Looks!

Wow. I have a new respect for anyone who makes their living in front of a camera. I need a short, simple video for a few wholesale shows that I am applying to in the next few months – just a quick few minutes that illustrates what we do at Mindfully Made Studios...

Presence Practices: Yoga

“Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.” – Martha Graham Living with presence – with mindfulness –...

Creative Hands, Hopeful Hearts

We had a great weekend.  Amid basketball games and birthday parties and a fun night out with friends, we paused to get creative for a purpose.  And it felt really good. I teach sewing classes at The Studio at Contempo, a collective of six women-artists in our small...

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